Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pyzano's Pizzeria

This Pizzeria is home to the world's greatest pizza thrower!!!

Pyzano's features a thick crust pizza with a wide variety of pizza toppings and combinations like pepperoni, salami, smoked ham, italian sausage, red onion, mushroom, green peppers, black olives, fresh tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, chorizo and many many more... They strive to always serve top quality ingredients that makes gourmet pizza just like their grandfather did. This pizzeria has a warm family envirnment and loves pleasing their customers. If you stop by you can even see Tony himself flipping or making your pie.

Located at:
3835 East Castro Valley Blvd.
Castro Valley, CA 94522

1 comment:

  1. I've never tried this place:)
    Getting hungry!!!



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